Agro Invest Holland B.V. has years of experience with the construction of composting facilities for phase I, II, and III.

New System

In the traditional system, the growing cell was “built” in a building. With the new system, the ceiling of the growing rooms and the roof of the building are comprised of the same element. This element is a 200/250-mm-thick steel-sandwich panel. The core of this panel is a 200/250–mm-thick insulated sheet of extruded polystyrene with a fire-retarding quality. The topside of this panel has a roof sheeting of 500 μ PVC. This layer has a gray color to prevent the reflection of heat from the sun. The Rc-value of the panel is 5.3 m2K/W, which is an extremely high insulation value.


The advantages of this system are that the trusses, purlins, roof sheets, and gutters can be omitted. The panels are of a very high quality and do not need a lot of maintenance. Furthermore, there are no thermal bridges and the construction is a lot faster and cheaper to build.

Both the traditional and the new flat-roof system can be executed with the tray-and-shelf system. The systems can be adjusted to accommodate mechanical and manual harvesting. Furthermore, you can choose between concrete and sandwich panels.

Agro Invest Holland has developed a computerized air-handling unit. This system ensures the optimal control of the climate in the growing rooms.